Background: A communications graduate of St. John's University and a published fashion blogger who is in love with magazines, online media, shopping and reading.
What’s My Style?: Timeless with a flair for trends. Being from New York, I love all black anything but I can also rock out in cutest color combos you've ever seen. Like a true versatile fashionista... I'm unpredictable on my best day.
Anything Else?: I am an accessories lush and a foodie!!! I am ridiculously happy to combine all of my addictions and bring my favorites to you on Philanthropista!
Background: Business graduate from Georgia Southern and a stylista in her own right.
What’s My Style?: Preppy, feminine and classy. Originally from New York and a current resident of Georgia, I consider my style a classic combination of southern prep and urban chic. Never too much but just enough.
What Else?: I'm adventurous and love to try new things so keep a look out for my event announcements and activities in an area near you.
Background: A political science graduate from Hampton University and avid blog reader.
What’s My Style?: A mix of business and sexy casual but always high class. Another New Yorker loyal to black anything. I like to mix-it-up for every occasion and I’m always down to try out a new trend.
What Else?: I’m all about healthy hair, nails and great beauty products. Check out my reviews of the best items to try and trust me it’ll be worth it.